Transcoding Issue
using commercial license, its the licensed software running on the Pivothead Airsync device.
the version is 1.6.5.
This is what the version command returns:
<{"data":{"banner":"EvoStream Media Server ( version 1.6.5 build 3024M – Gladiator – (built for Linux-OpwnWrtmipsar71-OpwnWrtMIPS on 2014-07-09T18:17:22.000)","buildDate":1404929842,"buildNumber":"3024M","codeName":"Gladiator","releaseNumber":"1.6.5"},"description":"Version","status":"SUCCESS"}
For background, I have a pulled stream (that works fine) named local – this is the pull command:
pullStream uri=rtsp:// forceTcp=0 keepAlive=1 localStreamName=local
And I have a pushed stream (that also works in terms of connection but with major quality issues, latency, etc – which we are trying to solve).
This is the push command:
pushStream uri=rtmp:// keepAlive=1 forceTcp=0 localStreamName=local targetStreamName=c054 targetStreamType=live
Now what I’m trying to do is to set different video bitrates and sizes (and to check out the other transcoding options) for the local stream before it is pushed to the remote server.
One reason for this is because one of our diagnostics at the CDN side show a very inconsistent bitrate of the stream (varies from 3 to 10 Mbps) and I’d like to set teh target output video bitrate.
We checked out our connection to the internet (upload speed) which is solid (and fast).
Here’s a try where I took the example provided in the API documentation, just to see if it works:
transcode source=local groupName=group audioBitrates=copy audioChannelsCounts=1 destinations=rtmp:// targetStreamNames=c054
{"data":null,"description":"Unable to transcode with the following parameters: rtsp://localhost:5544/local na na na copy 1 na na na na na na na rtmp:// c054","status":"FAIL"}
I then thought to create a local transcoded stream and push it forward so I first tried just that without configuring any other parameters (as API doc says only source & destinations are mandatory):
transcode source=local destinations=transcodedlocal
{"data":null,"description":"Unable to transcode with the following parameters: rtsp://localhost:5544/local na na na na na na na na na na na na -f\ flv\ tcp://localhost:6666/ transcodedlocal","status":"FAIL"}
And of course any other combination of the latter with some parameters and values (including group name, etc) failed in the same way.
What am I missing/doing wrong?