Unable to push a transcoded stream to Facebook
Hi everyone,
I have a pb with pushing a transcoded stream to Facebook (while I don’t have any pb with pushing the original stream to facebook, i.e. with no transcoding)
To make it easier to explain and independent of my input stream, I also tried with a local file, that I am first transcoding and then pushing to facebook. I am doing it on the command line (but this is exactly what would be done by emstranscoder.sh script):
/usr/bin/evo-avconv -y -i <local_file.mp4> -b:v 4000k -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -preset veryfast -g 60 -c:a copy -metadata streamName=transcoded_stream -f flv tcp://localhost:6666/
with “transcoded_stream” configured in EMS to be pushed to my facebook live page.
This does not work (In the event logs of facebook, I have a succession of “Video signal lost” / “RTMP connection closed” messages)
But this exact same configuration works perfectly for youtube and twitter.
Now if I push the transcoded file directly to facebook by changing the output of the command above like this:
/usr/bin/evo-avconv -y -i <local_file.mp4> -b:v 4000k -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -preset veryfast -g 60 -c:a copy -metadata streamName=transcoded_stream -f flv rtmp://<my_facebook_page>
It works perfectly!
I am a bit stuck, don’t really understand what happens between EMS and facebook, why as soon as I transcode it does not work?
3 Answers
Hi Emmanuel,
May we know the EMS version you are using?
Also, can you confirm if this is correct: A. transcode source > push transcoded stream to FB [not OK] B. send transcoded stream to FB [OK] Regards,
Also, can you confirm if this is correct: A. transcode source > push transcoded stream to FB [not OK] B. send transcoded stream to FB [OK] Regards,
This is EMS 2.0
That’s right:
- A scenario does not work,
- B scenario works (i.e. launch of evo-avconv manually to directly send transcoded stream to Facebook)