Unable to read data. Size advertised by network layer was ..
I’m seeing alot of wierd error messages, which I do not understand.
Could you explain what happens below, or tell me how to enable more debugging.
I’m using latest (1.6.3) deb package from your repo.
1369999159:0:/common/src/utils/buffering/iobuffer.cpp:228:ReadFromTCPFd:Unable to read data. Size advertised by network layer was 262144. Permanent error: 2
1369999159:0:/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:87:OnEvent:Unable to read data. -> CTCP(18) <-> [TCP(7)] <-> OR(8)
1369999159:4:/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:130:UnRegisterIOHandler:Handlers count changed: 13->12 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
1369999159:3:/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:296:SignalStreamUnRegistered:Stream NR(3) with name `` from protocol OR(8) unregistered from application `evostreamms`
1369999159:6:/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:286:UnRegisterProtocol:Protocol [OR(8)] unregistered from application: evostreamms