Understanding HLS segments creation

Understanding HLS segments creation

Support ForumCategory: Usage and FeaturesUnderstanding HLS segments creation
mrlucmorin asked 10 years ago
Hi all, Evaluating EvoStream here, and I’m faced with something that I have a hard time understanding. My use case is basically streaming VOD from existing mp4 files, so I followed the steps in the manual and issued the two following commands (using telnet): pullStream uri=rtmp://some.server.address/vod/mp4:RevCloud.mp4 keepAlive=1 localstreamname=toto createhlsstream localstreamnames=toto bandwidths=128 targetfolder=/home/some.server.address/public_html groupname=hls playlisttype=rolling playlistlength=10 chunklength=5 What I’m seeing is that there is a whole lot of segment files being constantly generated (for example segment__1410215250369_1410215250369_9.ts), and the playlist.m3u8 file is also constantly updated with 10 segments, probably the latest generated ones. This seems to be consistent with the "rolling" playlisttype, but even if I use playlisttype=appending, EMS keeps creating new segment files all the time, and the playlist is also constantly updated. The net effect of this is that when I try to play the HLS stream on IOS (using JWPlayer), the video never starts at the beginning, but at some random point in time. My goal is to simply have a static number of segments generated for a given mp4 file, and have the playlist reflect exactly that (or at least, this is what I expect would cause the video to always start at the beginning). Please advise how to achieve this. Thank you.


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