Using evostreamms as encoding server

Using evostreamms as encoding server

Support ForumCategory: Usage and FeaturesUsing evostreamms as encoding server
luuk_jansen asked 11 years ago
I have been working in integrating the evostreamms into my backend system, but ran against a show stopper. In the case of VOD files which need to encode I need to create HLS streams. These files are 1080HD so encoding can probably not be done realtime. What I do is I create the encoding job, output to a stream, and then create the HLS job. The first thing I see is that I am missing the first 10 seconds in the HLS stream. Possibly because the HLS process kicks in after the stream is already encoding. Is there a solution for that? I would need to whole VOD file to be encoded and segmented. Secondly, I get a lot of "DISCONTINUITY" tags in the playlist. Not sure where these come from, but defiantly for VOD background encoding I would not expect them. So is there a way to sue the evostreamms as a encoder too, or only as a live stream server? In that case I would need to rework my code and use ffmpeg directly again to look at another solution. Thanks!


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