VOD, stream alias and streaming over HTTP problems
Here is what I have:
- mp4 files in media folder
- in configuration I have set the following parameters to true
- hasStreamAliases (config.lua)
- hasIngestPoints (config.lua)
- hasGroupNameAliases (webconfig.json)
- the reason is I don’t want to have direct links toward media sources in webpages/devices
- and I want that each session gets it’s own alias and cannot share media link to the other session/user
- pullstream uri=rtmp://…/vod/xxx.mp4 localname=test
- use VLC to play video at URI: http://localhost:9999/test
- pullstream command reports success
- addstreamalias also reports success (addStreamAlias localStreamName=test aliasName=123 )
- use VLC URI: http://localhost:9999/123 seems not to be working
- why I’m missing few seconds of video start (aliases disabled)?
- how to support VOD/mp4 without doing pullstream and is it possible? (HTML5 browsers now can stream mp4 directly if I’m not wrong)?
- how to setup EVO to support aliases on VOD, over HTTP(S) and what is the right command flow (in docs this is not covered properly)?
- do VOD files by default have some “localname” value or there is command I missed to issue to setup local name for VOD?
6 Answers
Ty, Erika..
For now one more thing to resolve… when autoHLS is setup, and this pull VOD/aliasing is issued for every single request of the same file.mp4…
does this mean that for the same file multiple files will be created under HLS group folder? Regards, K.
does this mean that for the same file multiple files will be created under HLS group folder? Regards, K.
Hi keiser,
If you will opt to use autoHLS, there will be one main folder named autoHLS in evo-webroot.
The subfolder will be named after the localstreamname:
- pull StreamA
- pull StreamB
- pull StreamC