Watermarking prerecorded streams

Watermarking prerecorded streams

Support ForumCategory: Usage and FeaturesWatermarking prerecorded streams
sclaggett asked 10 years ago
Can EvoStream be used to apply a watermark to a prerecorded stream, as opposed to a live stream? I’ve managed to get basic watermarking working by issuing a transcode command with the following parameters:
source=rtsp://myserver:5544/vod/mp4:sample.mp4 group=myGroup overlays=/var/evostreamms/media/watermark.png destinations=watermarkedsample keepAlive=0
Evostream immediately starts playing the file at “/var/evostreamms/media/sample.mp4”, transcoding it, and pushing the transcoded stream back to itself using the live FLV protocol. VLC can then view the stream using the URL:
However, I need the transcoding to start only when VLC connects, such that the client can view the entire video. Is such a thing possible with EvoStream? Thanks, Shane


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