WebRtc and video conferencing

WebRtc and video conferencing

Support ForumCategory: Installation and Basic OperationWebRtc and video conferencing
admin Staff asked 10 years ago
I have a WebRTC application that supports one-to-one audio / video chat. I want to implement following for which I need a Media server a. Broadcast real time stream & video on demand b. One-to-many video conference (maximum 10 participants) Currently I am just doing a POC (Proof of Concept) My application is hosted on Amazon EC2 on a small T2 machine with 2GB RAM My queries are: a. Is it possible to implement the above two using Evostream ? b. Can I have multiple streams broadcast @ the same time ? c. Can I use Javascript with your HTTP API’s to achieve this ? If yes, can you please share some examples. d. I know WebRTC, How can I push the stream that I capture using GUM to EvoStream Media Server and then pull it on a video tag src? e. What is the minimal configuration needed to setup Evostream on Linux ? I have technical background working on PHP, HTML5, Javascript Awaiting for your reply.


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