How to stream from webrtc to EMS so that it is available in the ERS room as live?
5 Answers
Hello sujata!
To stream from webrtc, you must issue first the startwebrtc api command to open a room in ERS.
From there, you can now start streaming using the room!
Please see http://docs.evostream.com/ems_how_to_guide/webrtc
Thank you!
Thank you for reply erika,
I have already created ers room but to start streaming, it needs a stream name, which I believe is a stream name in EMS.
So I am trying to figure out which stream name yo use here.
Is there any example of how to stream webrtc to a room?
Hi sujata! You need to add streams to EMS first. Please see http://docs.evostream.com/ems_how_to_guide/addlive
The stream name you are asking is the localStreamName you used with your pull commands.
Issue pullStream: pullstream uri=rtmp://s2pchzxmtymn2k.cloudfront.net/cfx/st/mp4:sintel.mp4 localStreamname=testpullstream
Play using webrtc: http://<WEBSERVER_IP_ADDRESS>/demo/evowrtcclient.html?room=<RoomName>&stream=testpullstream
Hope this helps!
Yes I got that from the documentation. Let me re-phrase the question here.
How to add webrtc live stream to ems using pullstream api?