websocket and reduce playback

websocket and reduce playback

Support ForumCategory: Installation and Basic Operationwebsocket and reduce playback
admin Staff asked 8 years ago
1. I have the problem – this server can’t service audio only streams in websockets player. I use Wirecast 6 to generate streams. And if I send in rtmp only audio stream without video server get error and player can’t playback it. It is really problem because I often use HLS audio only streams and I want to change HLS with websockets to minimize playback delay. 2. How I can reduce playback delay? In Flash I can control delay from 1 sec. 3. I use demo page to test websockets streams. Are you have API and documentation to this player? Can I change design? Or may be exist another player which can playback this type of streams?

1 Answers
xai Staff answered 8 years ago
The websockets player does not support audio-only streams yet. To reduce latency in rtmp, you can try playing with the GOP of the encoder. No, we do not have any websockets api available.


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