WebSocket Latency

WebSocket Latency

avaneesh asked 8 years ago
Hello ,  I am using EvoStream WebSocket feature . I am able to play the stream using the evowsvideo.html. placed in your Evostream folder . Here when i play that stream in a browser i get around 10-15 seconds delay in websocket streaming .  I am sending the rtmp stream to the Evostream Media Server and then play that stream in browser using evowsvideo.html . I am able to play the stream correctly but it has a high latency.  As  I have read at one place in your forum to set this var opts = {
                  emsIp: emsIp,
                  streamName: streamName,
                  videoTagId: ‘video’ + number,
                  debugDivId: ‘debug’ + number,
                  queueSize: 1
              }; but i could not find this in evohtml5player.bundle.js nor in evowsvideo.html also i could not  get it from here http://ers.evostream.com:5050/demo/evoplayers.html. as it always say This site can’t be reached. Could you please tell  me how to reduced this latency using any setting in EvoStream .I am using the latest version of Evostream Media Server .  Regards Avaneesh Srivastava  

1 Answers
erika Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi avaneesh,
http://ers.evostream.com:5050/demo/evoplayers.html is always available.. 🙂
For the latency, we admit there is a latency with the build you have however you can try to adjust the GOP or bitrate of your stream and try it again using the evoplayers. This contains the function you’re looking:
var opts = {
                  emsIp: emsIp,
                  streamName: streamName,
                  videoTagId: ‘video’ + number,
                  debugDivId: ‘debug’ + number,
                  queueSize: 1
              }; Also, this will be dependent on your network bandwidth.
This might help you: https://evostream.com/question/video-delay/  
Thank you!  


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