Can't add streams

Can't add streams

erezpbt asked 8 years ago
Hello, I would love to show you but apparently I need permissions to add attachments to this post.. Anyway, after logging to the EMS console (using as the EMS server), I\’m unable to add a RTMP stream from a remote wowza server. I\’m getting \’Failed adding stream, stream name already taken.\’ – for the first stream I attempt to add.. (If I could attachment, it would be attachment #1) Then I\’m trying another stream from the wowza incoming streams and the console shows as if it succeeded. (Unpermitted attachment #2) Then when I try to see the streams list it is empty (Another Unpermitted attachment #3). Is there a technical person I can talk to via Skype to help me with these issues? I must say that for now this is not very promising…   Thanks

1 Answers
ian Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi Erez, You may want to check the following:
1. config.lua – Go the the node configuration > applications > acceptors. Verify that there is an entry for Websockets FMP4. You should find:
— WebSockets FMP4 Fetch
}, Please verify that the lines between the braces, inclusively, are not commented. 2. Try on a different browser or update browser. 3. Verify connectivity between the browser and EMS.   If the stream still isn’t playable, please email the evostream logs. On Linux, you can find them on /var/log/evostreamms; on Windows, you can find them on {Evostream folder}\logs.  


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