rtmp to http
Good afternoon dear costumer support,
I\’m new on Evostream Media Server and on world of live broadcast streaming,and in these days I\’m stuck on push an rtmp stream from ffmpeg to an http link, in details;
1-I have pullstream from ffmpeg to ems server
2-I\’ve pushstream on rtmp local address to check it on VLC and it\’s quite ok(audio is good,video turns only color bar,but i believe that could be a trouble between vMix and ffmpeg) Now I need to turn it like this link:
And it maybe could be seen on all type of devices, such us mobile phones android and apple too, also laptop… How can i do this? Thank you in advance
I\’m new on Evostream Media Server and on world of live broadcast streaming,and in these days I\’m stuck on push an rtmp stream from ffmpeg to an http link, in details;
1-I have pullstream from ffmpeg to ems server
2-I\’ve pushstream on rtmp local address to check it on VLC and it\’s quite ok(audio is good,video turns only color bar,but i believe that could be a trouble between vMix and ffmpeg) Now I need to turn it like this link:
And it maybe could be seen on all type of devices, such us mobile phones android and apple too, also laptop… How can i do this? Thank you in advance
1 Answers
Hi there.
If you wish to publish your streams to HTTP, try creating HLS streams. Use createHLSStream API command:
If you wish to publish your streams to HTTP, try creating HLS streams. Use createHLSStream API command:
createHLSStream localstreamnames=hlstest bandwidths=128 targetfolder=/MyWebRoot/ groupname=hls playlisttype=rolling playlistLength=10 chunkLength=5You can see more about this in the API Definition and EMS User Guides.