RTSP pullstream/lazy-pull not receiving data

RTSP pullstream/lazy-pull not receiving data

Support ForumCategory: Usage and FeaturesRTSP pullstream/lazy-pull not receiving data
sleierer asked 8 years ago
We have a production Evostream media server that we are using for our client application to be able to lazy-pull streams. Until recently, all of our streams were RTMP but we have some new streams to support that use RTSP. I’ve tried using lazy-pull and a manual pullstream but the stream never produces any data. When I run “getstreaminfo” for it in telnet I can see that no data is being received, despite the stream appearing to open properly. This is the video value from the “getstreaminfo” command: “video”:{“bytesCount”:0,”codec”:”VH264″,”codecNumeric”:6217274493967007744,”droppedBytesCount”:0,”droppedPacketsCount”:0,”height”:288,”level”:40,”packetsCount”:0,”profile”:100,”width”:352} We have been able to confirm that the stream has data by playing it in VLC player on a windows machine. The stream’s source machine has opened up access from specific IPs so only those devices can access the streams. I’m not sure what could be going on here, but I’m relatively new to this software. If I can provide any other useful information to solve this issue, please let me know. Thanks.

6 Answers
rjimenez answered 8 years ago
Hello, So the bottomline here is that your pullstream never produces any data, can you paste here your pullstream command and its parameters which you used? There is a possibility that EMS is not able to connect to your source stream, as for the reason, it is not certain yet. We also highly suggest that we get a copy of the logs too, to figure out the exact problem.
sleierer answered 8 years ago
 This is the pullstream command and the response (sorry about formatting): pullstream uri=rtsp:// localstreamname=test
▒{“data”:{“audioCodecBytes”:””,”configId”:1206,”emulateUserAgent”:”EvoStream Media Server (www.evostream.com) player”,”forceTcp”:false,”httpProxy”:””,”isAudio”:true,”keepAlive”:true,”localStreamName”:”test”,”operationType”:1,”pageUrl”:””,”ppsBytes”:””,”rangeEnd”:-1,”rangeStart”:-2,”rtcpDetectionInterval”:10,”sendRenewStream”:false,”spsBytes”:””,”ssmIp”:””,”swfUrl”:””,”tcUrl”:””,”tos”:256,”ttl”:256,”uri”:{“document”:”ofdm7yfz53g7s29pb9j9to6sc5l320i9″,”documentPath”:”\/rtplive\/”,”documentWithFullParameters”:”ofdm7yfz53g7s29pb9j9to6sc5l320i9″,”fullDocumentPath”:”\/rtplive\/ofdm7yfz53g7s29pb9j9to6sc5l320i9″,”fullDocumentPathWithParameters”:”\/rtplive\/ofdm7yfz53g7s29pb9j9to6sc5l320i9″,”fullParameters”:””,”fullUri”:”rtsp:\/\/\/rtplive\/ofdm7yfz53g7s29pb9j9to6sc5l320i9″,”fullUriWithAuth”:”rtsp:\/\/\/rtplive\/ofdm7yfz53g7s29pb9j9to6sc5l320i9″,”host”:”″,”ip”:”″,”originalUri”:”rtsp:\/\/\/rtplive\/ofdm7yfz53g7s29pb9j9to6sc5l320i9″,”parameters”:{},”password”:””,”port”:554,”portSpecified”:false,”scheme”:”rtsp”,”userName”:””}},”description”:”Stream rtsp:\/\/\/rtplive\/ofdm7yfz53g7s29pb9j9to6sc5l320i9 enqueued for pulling”,”status”:”SUCCESS”}
rjimenez answered 8 years ago
rtsp:// Based from your previous statement, this uri is playable in VLC? If yes, then I think EMS can’t establish connection to the stream source. Will you be able to attach here the logs involved in this scenario??
sleierer answered 8 years ago
EvoLogs These are all the logs in /var/log/evostreamms. I’m not sure which ones are most relevant. I assume that it creates a different log for each process and we are running many. To create these logs, I started the server, pulled the stream, waited a couple minutes, and then shut down the server.
Don answered 8 years ago
Hi, Can you try using the following command to pull the RTSP stream? > pullstream uri=rtsp:// localstreamname=test forcetcp=1 Using forcetcp=1 will prevent the use of UDP ports which may be blocked. For details, see http://docs.evostream.com/ems_api_definition/pullstream Regards, Don


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